2013/03/04 4:58:03 PM
A great idea for a day-trip departing from
Curitiba is the train ride to Morretes. This tourist train runs through the
mountain region of Paraná, called Serra do Mar, going to the coast of the
state, in a route full of beautiful nature and breathtaking views.
The construction of the railway officially
started on February 1880, and it was considered an impossible achievement by
many European Engineers due to the soil condition. The project aimed social
development enabling communication between the cities of the Paraná coastal
region to the State capital city, Curitiba. Moreover, it became essential to
connect the Paranaguá port to the Brazilian southern states, making possible
the crops exportation, in order to ensure their economic growth.
The City of Morretes
Morretes is
a small historic city on the coast of the Brazilian state of Paraná. With
population of around 15,000 people, the city is known for its typical dish: the
Barreado. Morretes natives attribute the origin of Barreado to indigenous
people. Other versions of the story say that it was created by tropeiros, or donkey caravan tradesmen, or that the
dish was locally created during Carnival, as a hearty food that could be prepared
slowly while everyone was partying.
Whatever the
origin, Barreado is a typical dish from Paraná State, Brazil, slow-cooked meat
stew prepared in a clay pot whose lid is sealed with a sort of clay made from
wheat or cassava flour, hence the name (which means, literally, “muddied”).
After about 12 to 18 hours of cooking – a process which, in the past, was
carried out in a hole in the ground – Barreado is served over cassava flour,
with round banana slices and pepper. The meat juices are mixed with the flour
to make pirão – a kind of gravy. Cachaça is the drink
traditionally served with Barreado.
The Train Ride
The train
departs from the Curitiba Railway Station (same place as the bus station:
Avenida Presidente Afonso Camargo, 330). Through its 110 kilometers of extension, the railway is surrounded by
amazing landscapes, with canyons, waterfalls and vegetal biodiversity. The
journey along the centenary railroad, allows the visitor to admire the beauties
of the Serra do Mar (Sea Mountain Range), crossing
bridges, viaducts, valleys and tunnels excavated in solid rocks, work and pride
of Brazilian engineering. The train trip takes 3 hours from Curitiba to
Morretes train station, arriving at approximately 11:30 am.
Junamatka Morretes-nimiseen pikkukaupunkiin Curitibasta 4.7.2015
Tein yhdessä CASLA:n toisen työharjoittelijan kanssa junamatkan Curitibasta Morretekseen lauantaina ja matka kesti yhteensä n. 3 tuntia. Juna ei ollut tällä kertaa mikään modernitapaus vaan historialliseen asuun konservoitu vanhanaikainen juna. Se kulki halki vuorien, sademetsämäisen puuston ja ohittaen aina historiallisia (kolonialismin ajan) rakennuksia.
Tietoa junamtakasta Morretekseen voi lukea enemmän tältä kyseiseltä sivulta (englanniksi):
Edestakaisen junamatkan hinta turistiluokassa maksaa n. 50€ ja hintataso Morretes-kaupungissa oli edullisempi verrattuna Curitiban hintoihin esim. ruoka-annosten hinnat ravintoloissa.
Tässä kuvia matkan varrelta ja Morretes-nimisestä pikkukaupungista, joka oli täynnä vanhanajan idyllistä tunnelmaa:
Lämpötilat Curitibassa ovat olleet viimepäivinä tosi kylmiä, ainakin ajatellen sitä että ollaan Brasiliassa, tällä hetkellä mittari näyttää vain +9c !
Ensiviikolla jälleen kerran sateita luvassa, tervetuloa eteläisen Brasilian talveen, mutta se ei menoa hidasta! :))
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